vanessa chia's journal of life, faith and other stuff...
He has made everything beautiful in its time *Ecclesiastes 3:11*
Saturday, May 31, 2014
A New Season of Open Doors
It's a new season, with new opportunities, new provisions, new possibilities!
From the beginning of 2014, many prophetic words have been spoken about a time and season of open doors for many of the believers. That God is opening doors that have been previously shut, and for those who have been toiling and pressing in, doors of ministries and opportunities are opening this year!
The words have been definitely confirming what He is doing at the moment as I came to a new season in my life, in my walk with embrace a new beginning in the land that I used to call home (Indonesia). I still call it "home" cos that's where family is. And Brisbane is also home...I'm blessed that I can call these 2 places home...
It began last year around October 2013, where He started to put a seed of thought in my heart to go back for a season and to be with my family in Indonesia. I was a little surprised at first with that thought, since I didn't have any plan at all to leave I sought for His direction and confirmation about this.
And yet and behold....He confirmed it with many things, it's as if that He has prepared everything ahead of me and it seemed like a good plan. He began to show me new things, new journey ahead...I mean exciting stuff and what the journey could be if I would respond in faith and allow Him to show me each step of the way, to really take a step of faith and to trust Him totally!
That means that I need to embrace the new things that He is doing and will do...and just say "Yes, Lord" and go and do whatever He will ask me to do.
Few weeks left now before the new journey begins, lots of catching ups and saying bye to many good friends and church leaders, colleagues, my favourite cafes, etc etc...
Walk of faith is a walk filled with adventures, possibilities where the unknown sets a stage for Him to reveal who He is and our obedience produces testimonies that brings Glory to His name....Woohoooo!!!
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
My sister, My bride...
My Lover spoke and said to me...
"Arise, My darling, My beautiful one, and come with Me...
See! the winter is past, the rains are over and gone.
Flowers appear on the earth, the season of singing has come,
the cooing of doves is heard in our land.
The fig tree forms its early fruit, the blossoming vines spread their fragrance.
Arise, come, My darling, My beautiful one, come with Me."
And I reply...
"My Lover, how precious is Your love, sweeter than honey,
more precious than any love that anyone could give.
My soul longs for more of You, and my heart waits for You...
To taste, feel and see the beauty of Your love and grace.
Take me deeper into Your heart, lost in Your Glory
Fill me through and through, till we we are one..
I am in You, and You are in me..
For eternity..
And I reply...
"My Lover, how precious is Your love, sweeter than honey,
more precious than any love that anyone could give.
My soul longs for more of You, and my heart waits for You...
To taste, feel and see the beauty of Your love and grace.
Take me deeper into Your heart, lost in Your Glory
Fill me through and through, till we we are one..
I am in You, and You are in me..
For eternity..
Saturday, February 4, 2012

It's a new year! A new season...which I look forward to many good things ahead, the fulfillment of His promises in my life. Somehow I feel great anticipation and see what God has in store for me. Keeping my hopes up! :)
But at the same time...also having this mixed feelings inside of me. There are still many uncertainties, the unknown, and things that I'm seeking God about, direction, settling back in Brisbane...and many other things here and there!Having the certainty of where He is leading me, but also a bit lost at the same time...trying to figure out where I'll fit in the scheme of things...and decisions..decisions..gotta make 'em, funny how I think they are mine to make, but actually not...for who understand his/her own ways when the Lord is the One who determines their steps?
A little nervous still...trying to fix my eyes on the hope that is in His word...that His grace is sufficient as I continually come before the throne of grace to ask for His mercy and help.
The mission trip has ended...and indeed it has taught me a greater dependency on His grace & love. But it's not really an fact the end is the beginning of something new. I feel like I've just started this journey. But it will be a different journey, where I would need a greater dependency & guidance from Him...and furiously taking hold of His purpose & will for my life.
In my poorest state, I'm filled even more with the riches of His presence....til nothing's left of me, and only Him is seen....
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Love & the Gospel
This week, we have done so far 3 major activities:
1. Evangelism Training (ETS)
2. Helping with Medical Mission
3. Visiting small youth group

We traveled quite a few hours to reach Mt Sinai church, the place where the ETS is going to be held. It was my first time too sit under the teaching of "Rev.Alvin Toh" (this is the name displayed on the stage :p), otherwise they just call "Pastor Alvin"..hehe...
Jace and myself are helping with some registration on that day.
The teaching was super awesome! And the people were really attentive and responsive. They shouted a really loud "Amen!!" everytime!! so encouraged! Even some younger ones were participating too! And when it's time to pray....Wow!! this is really a praying church! They were just crying out to God, both young and old are fervent and I could feel God's presence just filled the whole room!
During our time there, we were hosted by the pastor & his family & friends...and we had a super yummy Korean meals...thank You, Lord! :)

Few days after, we went to help with the Relief Medical Mission that was held at Family of Believers Christian Church. There were rice/food packs, medicines, used clothes, and medical treatments for 100 families who live in the slump area. There were so many children with them! Myself and Jace had fun giving away packets of sweets to the children...they were so excited and happy! I love that looks on their faces :)
I was very blessed by the church volunteers who were helping with so much joy in their heart and faces. There were so much unity in that place, and for that moment, I feel that we are a church...our differences disappeared and we were just serving as one body of Christ! Seeing the people blessed, also really blessed my heart...indeed, there is so much joy in giving. And even though it's not much, but for these people, it really means a lot to have people who would care and pay attention to their needs.
It reminds me once again, that there is so much needs in the world...and in whatever scale, we can all play a part in being a part of the solution to those needs.
We are blessed, so that we can be a blessing..
Finally today, we went to visit a small youth group and we ministered to them through testimony, teaching, games, and our joy & laughter :D
We hope that the youth in this group will personally encounter God and experience genuine salvation. There is so much potential in the lives of these youth, and thank God for the opportunity for us to help out in this. :)
I thank God for His grace every single day here...He has protected us every time and He has also opening many doors for this ministry. I can really see the hand of God upon the lovely couple and this ministry...and it's been a great blessing and privilege for me to witness and take part in the wonderful move of God. I'm really loving the mission field! I love seeing God moves and the heart of God has never been clearer...He loves people!and His heart is reaching out to the lost, poor, broken, lonely...and the most loving thing that we can do is just sometimes meeting their practical needs, and also to share the good news to the people.
I hope that we can all join the vision and be a partner in this wonderful ministry... :)
This ministry draws a beautiful picture of what it means to share the Love of Christ and Share His Gospel.
Monday, October 24, 2011
Visiting the slump area & hospital

We were invited to Pastor Jonaver Luklukan's birthday party yesterday, an amazing pastor whose life has been radically transformed by God and his life is still a walking miracle!! He shared about his life story and how God's grace and favor are so evident in his life as he does God's work. Was super blessed and inspired by this pastor, evangelist, missionary & gospel singer (yup, all in one!) :)
Then he took us to visit the slump area where it was flooded, the area where we will join the pastor for a disaster relief medical mission this coming Wednesday (so pray for us!). I was speechless when I saw their living condition, and apparently this happens every year during the rainy season and the water could not really subside, it would normally takes months. So they would built small wooden bridge along the houses so they can walk around...I can say it's really not easy to walk on those.. :p thank God we didn't fall into the water!
The government doesn't seem to be doing anything about this..and I'm thinking to myself, then how can these people's lives change?If no one cares, then who should be doing somethings about this...and I realised that it is the church that needs to step in and make a difference...and I'm very blessed seeing ministers of God who are reaching out to them and bring the bible into their houses. This is love in action, not just words. And a small act of kindness do really mean a lot to some of the people here.

Today I visited the hospital as a part of the hospital ministry by AFJC. I wore my new volunteer shirt for the 1st time :) and join them as they go into the different patient rooms. We talked and prayed with them, and showing a practical way to bless them by giving them a pack of refreshments.
What I love is the people here have beautiful hearts and they are very accepting and helpful (well, majority that I've met anyway...) :p and they are very receptive of the gospel. So most of them know about the gospel, and churches are everywhere along the road. But also at the same time, there were also so many cults and other strange beliefs...deception runs pretty strong in this nation. But nevertheless, I believe in the power of the true one God! and Truth always prevails! We need a revival in this nation!
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Greetings from Manila!

I can say that God is amazing!!! and mission is fun! I love seeing how God really grant the ministry His favor and grace, and being inspired by the workers of the harvest field (Alvin & Jace) with what they are doing so far.. and God has been opening many doors for them. Praise God!
I arrived in Manila on the 20th October, they picked me up from the airport and gosh!! Manila is such a big city..we were lost on our way, driving wasn't easy here and the rule is no rule! :)
It's a pretty populated city, and there are so many people on the road everywhere! so spent the day resting and did some groceries.
On Friday stayed at home, and helped to design an ID card!'s a new skill that I finally obtained :) spent quite a few hours doing it! taught me that in mission, you just need to do things that you've never done before. In the end, you'll gain a new skill :)
At night we spent some time praying and just seeking His it!! and we're doing this almost every night that we can :) love it! love it! love it! I love His presence! :)
Today went scouting for presents for the Christmas event where the ministry will bless the children with toys..thank God for a fruitful day :)
And just heard some good news!! God is just opening new doors and there are some exciting things happening stay tuned!! :D
Appreciate your prayers, for indeed the harvest is plentiful but the workers are few...there are a lot of needs here, and I pray that He will send His workers out to share His love and the good news :)
Just some things I've discovered here:
- Toilet ~ they call this "Comfort Room (CR)" hahaha...
- Eggs here are all white colour!!! No yellow eggs!
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
a revelation of His love & grace

During a time of worship, I was once again reminded of His love & grace. His hand upon my life all these years...A revelation of His grace that saves me, grace that reaches out to me in hopeless situations. Grace that made a way, where it was impossible for me to have known Him. Grace that made a way for salvation...because of His great love, we are not perishing...but being transformed into His likeness.
As I remember how the Lord set up different circumstances in my life that I may find Him, despite of my ignorance, rebellion and resistance, it never made Him given up on me (thank You, Lord!)...Yet He still passionately, jealously pursue me, that I may know Him, to be in the relationship with my Creator, that I may escape the judgment of this world, to be saved and have eternal life....because of His great love...
Acts 17:26-27
From one man he made all the nations, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he marked out their appointed times in history and the boundaries of their lands.God did this so that they would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from any one of us.
And all I can do, is to worship Him with the very life that He gave...
How great the grace that enables us to be called children of God, that we may call Him our Daddy..our loving Father..for this is what You came for...this is Your heartbeat....
Can you hear His heartbeat? it beats for every single child of Him to come home...
John 1:12-13
Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God. Children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband’s will, but born of God.
Monday, August 22, 2011
thank you!

I had a mixed feeling leaving Brisbane, excited that I’ll be embarking on an adventure of faith, sad that I had to leave my home, my family in Christ....for now anyway.
Just would like to thank all my brothers and sisters who blessed me (you know who you are!), I’m thankful and will always remember that God’s love is evident through every one of you.
The gift that you gave is a prayer answered, a token of love, and the most important, it’s your offering unto the Lord. I’m thankful again for this family that God has placed in my life.
My heart is filled with joy, thankfulness and anticipation of the days ahead!!!!
The Lord is good, and His love endures forever...He is near to all who call upon His Name
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
into the storms..

During my time with the Lord today, He was pointing something to me..even as I reflect on my situations, other people's situations.
I was reminded of Luke 8:22-24, where God was teaching me, that many times, as we choose to obey the voice of God, often it leads us straight into "storms". It might be a conflict, a problem, a sickness, an impossible the passage, Jesus was initiating the disciple to go over to the other side of the lake, and we know how the story goes...
He was encouraging me that in the midst of storms of my life, He's always with me. As I obey Him, He promises that He will never leave me nor forsake me. And I need to believe that..I understand that at times, it is difficult, when all you can see is the problem, and when it seems in the natural that there's no way out, but as in my situation..God has always assure me, that I need to just believe and trust Him.
Because when the disciples were afraid, Jesus question them to where their faith is?
Faith to believe who He really is, and to hold on to that...will help us to stay where God wants us to be.
Just a piece of revelation that I hope to encourage anyone who is the midst of storm, to know that Jesus is with you...never will He leave nor forsake you.
And I believe that sometimes only in going through those "storms" in our life, then we'll have a deeper revelation of who God truly is. That we may then glorify and praise His name.
The disciples said (Luke8:24)
"In fear and amazement they asked one another, "Who is this?He commands even the winds and the water, and they obey Him."
This promised us that God is in control and He's bigger than any storms that may come into our lives.
Sunday, July 17, 2011
another piece of jigsaw puzzle...

A journey of faith, a season of trusting Him and to hold on to every single word of His promises.
Praise God for His grace that I was able to complete my Diploma of Counselling just this month..thank God for His strength and protection for all the times I drive from Brisbane to Maroochydore for that one year :)
And for the next season of my life, I will be doing a course with Ywam until next year April. Another piece of jigsaw puzzle that begins to unfold and reveal more of His plans for me.
I don't fully understand, but I choose to trust Him that He knows the best timing and ways.
There are greater things ahead...I look forward with anticipation and excitement of what would God has in store through my time in Ywam.
Having a mixed feeling about not being around my home church for a season of time, but what motivates me is that whatever I will learn in Ywam, I hope it can be used to bless the church even I'm excited because of that! :)
So if you don't really see me around, well, not that I've left church..but I'll just be away for a while in my next adventure with God :) I believe this year is such a significant year for a lot of people where He is leading you towards your destiny in Him.
I'll try to keep updating my blog as my journey continues...
Let's hold on to this precious faith together!
Really....there is no life worth living if it's not for Him.
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