Monday, April 28, 2008

Seek His face

Last night, had an encounter, felt the heart of God....
Weeping, grieving.......
And I asked, "Lord, why do I see You crying? what saddens Your heart?"
I begin to hear...the Holy Spirit saying, that "My people, they lack of prayer...My people, do not seek Me enough.." Felt the heart of God wanting to rise up people who would pray and seek His face.
And I wept.....repent... I asked God that He'll allow me to share His burdens.
There's a sense of urgency, a heart cry, wanting more of God...
He reminded me :
"If my people, who are called by My name, will humble themselves and pray and seek My face,
and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and
will heal their land."(2 Chronicles 7:14)

He is calling every heart and soul, to come before Him, on your knees, and begin to seek His face.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

God's Leading (Life group 25th April'08)

(wrote this last night, but internet connection failed..hehe...)

I’m actually very tired after the fantastic Life Group that we had tonight, just got home not long ago. But just couldnt contain the awe and excitement seeing what God has done. Really enjoyed being just in God’s presence, and allow Him to lead the meeting tonight. And really felt that God was leading the life group, from the start to the end. Well, couple of us were the last few to go home, had a great sharing and encouraging time with the lovely couple from Chermside.

From the P&W time, eventhough lack of preparation, and lots of things could be done...but seriously, last night God just made that moment to be a God moment!Out of our weakness, He became strong, and we learn to rely upon Him and to flow with Him, not the opposite. Man!!! It was such a wonderful moment, just watching God moves. Everything seems to be effortless and everyone was just flowing together. There was a bond, unity, where we were just focusing on God and allowing Him to speak to us. Had a great moment there, waiting upon God and moving with God,’s not the opposite.
So eventhough we forgot about some stuff, just here and there, but truly it was a moment where God was teaching me, personally, to learn to rely upon Him, as if I was seeing things through a different lenses. And it just amazed me, totally overwhelmed!God really works for the good of those who love Him...and choose to trust and rely upon Him.

Big applause to all my brothers and sisters, my family in Christ, who have blessed my life so much just by being who you are and your life for God. I see a reflection of God in each and one of you. And I’m really excited to witness what God is going to do through your life. There’s no limit to what God could do through you when you let Him to. I learn what love is, through all of you.
My dearest sister tonight who lead the praise for the 1st time....very encouraged by your heart to even step out of your fear, and choose to honour Him anyway. You were amazing, sister!We did have fun yeah?I really saw you just being you, with that freedom just gave your best praise to God, very blessed by that. To my other sister who back-up sing for us, you’ve blessed everyone too with your heart to serve God despite how uneasy it is. I could already see you leading next time :p

During the time of sharing, another God moment, felt as if God orchestrated everything, and it was a good time of learning from one another. Certain statement that really inspiring was (rephrased..):
· To love God and others, is a choice we can make.
· No matter how long we became a Christian, but we must not let our hunger and thirst for God dies.
· To keep the broken spirit within our hearts, and to come in true repentance before God.Then as we experience the restoration in God, we can allow Him to use our lives to lead others that they too may experience that same restoration in Him.
· To choose to take hold of our mind, and allow God’s words to rule our mind instead.

So much more, but my eyes are getting heavier...hehehe...time to recharge, and get ready for another day. Thank God it’s a Saturday tomorrow.... J

Monday, April 21, 2008

My Lover spoke..

My lover spoke and said to me,
"Arise,my darling, my beautiful one, and come with me.
See! the winter is past; the rains are over and gone.
Flowers appear on the earth; the season of singing has come.... me your face, let me hear your voice;
for your voice is sweet, and your face is lovely.
(Song of Songs 2:10-12,14)

Looking for love in wrong places

Last night was at Gold Coast service, and it was a really refreshing moment with God. The service was amazing, I could feel that as if God was leading the whole service, and the whole church was just following the leading of God, from the start to the end. God's presence came really strong. As if I could just stay there and not go anywhere.

Ps.Lance was preaching a really anointed and convicting sermon, as the church was going through a series of "Looking for Love in the Right place" and last night the grand finale topic was what are the wrong places to look for love.

In summary, the wrong places to look for love are :
  • Looking for love in feelings
  • Looking for love in sexual relationship
  • Looking for love in possessing the one you love
  • Looking for love in your heart alone
  • Looking for love within limits

Inspiring and convicting statements:

  • The greatest place to find love, is where we have love within our own heart to love others.
  • One way to love ourselves is to start loving others first.
  • Love needs to be lived out in action (Confession + Demonstration)
  • We can expand in our love as we allow it to.
  • If we ever behold God's glory and come to know Him, but if we don't have love for others, then we are merely tourist/visitor for love.
  • Who wants to be loved despite that we are unlovable?But who want to remain unlovable despite the fact that we are perfectly loved?

Could not go without repenting and asking God to show me what it really means to love Him, having His love within me and living it out!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Looking for a mate?

(Genesis 2:18-23)
It's just amazing how God's word speaks to you in a whole different way, eventhough you may have read it so many just amazes me!!
When I continue reading through the Genesis, the word spoke to me in a whole different way, made me think though, howcome I never thought about it this way?
I'd think this is as a perspective in BGR relationship:

(v18)The LORD God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him
It is God who initiate the relationship, and the thought of God giving me a partner for life, it has been His idea since the beginning of time.
So if you're doubting weather God cares and will meet your need of a life partner? well, read this verse again and again, and be assured that you can trust God to meet your need in this area.

(v19-20)Now the LORD God had formed out of the ground all the beasts of the field and all the birds of the air. He brought them to the man to see what he would name them; and whatever the man called each living creature, that was its name. So the man gave names to all the livestock, the birds of the air and all the beasts of the field. But for Adam no suitable helper was found
As I read the following verses, I was a bit puzzled. First, God said that He will make a helpmate for Adam, then the next thing is He formed every living creature and let Adam to give them their names....?? Earlier in Genesis 1, when God speaks one thing, the next thing is the definitely it come to pass.
Then, it just clicked!! It is the next thing!!!! God called Adam into a partnership(that's what I called), to share and involve him in what He is doing. I mean, God is more than able to come up with names for all His creation. I mean, that just spoke to me that God is a relational God, He doesnt just sees us a one of His creation, but more than that He wants us to be His friend, His business partner,to relate with us in every manner. I believe that through this experience, Adam came to experience the deeper dimension of his relationship with God, he began to relate with God. And Adam did what was given to him, the responsibility and priviledge to have God trusting him to do the work.
I believe that God given timing for a relationship is when we learn to first walk with God, experience Him, to discover the different dimension of who God is. It's such a priviledge and delight for me, to have the chance to know God so intimately...I mean, who am I? nothing but a fine dust!! But God values me and loves me more than what I could imagine!!

(v21-23)So the LORD God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was sleeping, he took one of the man's ribs and closed up the place with flesh. Then the LORD God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man.The man said, "This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called 'woman, for she was taken out of man."
I love this part, when after all is said and done, God came back to His first intention of giving him a helpmate!Good news!!God doesnt forget!I believe at that time, Adam was just enjoying his time with God, and he was so occupied with God..he's having a fulfilled life with God. No worries, just a contented life.
Then God, being a good God, bring His words to come to pass. I noticed that God formed the woman without Adam's knowledge, and then God presented her to Adam.
The moment she came, Adam recognised her straightaway!!Wow, I mean God even didnt have to tell Adam that this is the ONE!!!It's the question that we ask from time to time...Is this man/woman the ONE???
How could Adam do it? I believe that it was through the time he had with God previously, he came to recognise God's providence, and what's of God, he came to recognise God's timing and a new revelation of who God is, a place of trust and providence.

God's season and timing

A reflection of how the scriptures speaks to!! I was so excited when it just kind of opened up to me in a whole different way.

(Genesis 1)
God's nature to create, and whatever He speaks, it came into being. Each day, He spoke things that made all the heavens and earth and everything in it. It displays the power and the glory of God through His creation.
In a day,He accomplished so much, more than what we can imagine could happen.
Pondering at this, how could at times when hardships comes and there are impossible situations, we doubt what God can do in the situation?obviously, that underestimate who God is and His Sovereignity over everything, beyond whatever we could think of!
One day is like a thousand days for the Lord, and His time frame is definitely not like ours. But His timing is always perfect and good. I believe whatever that happens in His timing is always good, and God blesses it. God makes all things beautiful in its time, so in every thing there's a God given timing.
When I look around the creation of God, it revolves around timing. The day and night, the season, the growth of every living thing,etc..
So it's always the wisest thing to do, to consult God about the timing and the manner of things in our lives.
Recognising the seasons in our lives.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

What kind of car would you be?

My vocal teacher asked me this question :
"If you could imagine yourself being a car, what kind of car would you be?"
Hmm...I couldnt come up with an answer, made me think ...well, also because I'm not sure what's the best car out there..but I told her that it doesnt really bother me, I'm quite happy with what I have, as long as it works well. She told me about her 12 year old student who answered that she would be a lamborghini(hope I spell it rite...).
Then she asked me again,if God would give me any type of car, what would I ask?? haha! of course then my answer was different. this time I said, the best car that you could possibly have?something better than lamborghini????

What could have possibly God planted in our lives? the potential and the seed of greatness that He has destined for our lives? Are we satisfied and content with what we have or what we can think we can ever achieve or be in this life?

I need to start to dream my own vision for my life in God. For He is able to do exceedingly, abundantly, above what we can think or ask!
My God!!! again...I'm ashamed of how small my dream and vision is...may He continue to add and enlarge my life, that in my lifetime, I could stand and testify,....
"I've never thought that my life could be used by God in this way, it's something that I never thought of or I could ever possibly do!!!!!"

So, I ask you again...what kind of car would you be?

Monday, April 14, 2008


My sister wrote en email to me...(finally!!). Since we dont have computer at home and internet is such a foreign thing for my parents and my younger sister.
She shared about the family situation, well, basically just my mom, dad, older brother, and herself living together at home...(a place where I'll always want to be...)
Been praying about the family situation, for every single problem/challenges that each of them is facing, believing God that He'll bring about the miracles...for every single person.

Things actually are getting worse....
Almost started worrying and heart was crying out His name, and I dont understand why things dont get better.
But I know deep in my heart, that He is in control...and I can trust Him with my family.
It's just that feeling, when bad news came or somehow faced with some challenges, then I pause, and turn my eyes upon Jesus....His peace fills my heart, and I dont have to understand, cos I know God does...and nothing that I can do, but I know God will do...
So again, I lay this burden on Him.

The worst things get, the more God's name will be glorified
The more I can hope and believe.
February'08 Chinese New Year

Thursday, April 10, 2008

In That Place

How do I know when I have died to myself, when the real me has finally surfaced and crucified in the life of Christ?His work seems to be endless, and there's a lot of work to be done in my heart. I realised how complicated a human being is, not just limited to's as if God held up a mirror of the real me, and I get really scared, seeing how there's nothing good apart from God Himself in me. I do get anxious with myself at times, knowing that when my flesh started to take control rather than God Himself, well...things can get messy and I'll be just deceiving myself. Taking pride in the name of God...where self-reliance and the best thought of my mind get involved.

It's a time to go through the fire, time of purification, drawing near to the holiness of God...where no human flesh can stand before Him. Each step requires death, a burn offering pleasing and acceptable to God. There is pain and struggle within the human heart, a fierce battle raging in the inside, constant battle between two kingdoms. And that's when our self-will comes in, we take hold of it and choose whom are we going to serve?
What do we give our life to? do we allow darkness or the light to take hold of our world?there is a light that masked itself as light, where satan is dressed and appear as an angel of light. But the light that is pure, that sets us free, the light that cuts deep within the heart like a double edge sword, where no human flesh can remain alive. It makes us uncomfortable with ourselves, vulnerable, and completely broken, gets us to the place of humility, a place of realisation how small and fragile everything else, and how steady, strong, and great is our God.

So Lord..I want to remain in that place.
Burn within me with your Holy fire...and take me deeper, that I may stay there.