It's a new year! A new season...which I look forward to many good things ahead, the fulfillment of His promises in my life. Somehow I feel great anticipation and excitement...to see what God has in store for me. Keeping my hopes up! :)
But at the same time...also having this mixed feelings inside of me. There are still many uncertainties, the unknown, and things that I'm seeking God about, direction, settling back in Brisbane...and many other things here and there!Having the certainty of where He is leading me, but also a bit lost at the same time...trying to figure out where I'll fit in the scheme of things...and decisions..decisions..gotta make 'em, funny how I think they are mine to make, but actually not...for who understand his/her own ways when the Lord is the One who determines their steps?
A little nervous still...trying to fix my eyes on the hope that is in His word...that His grace is sufficient as I continually come before the throne of grace to ask for His mercy and help.
The mission trip has ended...and indeed it has taught me a greater dependency on His grace & love. But it's not really an end...in fact the end is the beginning of something new. I feel like I've just started this journey. But it will be a different journey, where I would need a greater dependency & guidance from Him...and furiously taking hold of His purpose & will for my life.
In my poorest state, I'm filled even more with the riches of His presence....til nothing's left of me, and only Him is seen....
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