This week, we have done so far 3 major activities:
1. Evangelism Training (ETS)
2. Helping with Medical Mission
3. Visiting small youth group

We traveled quite a few hours to reach Mt Sinai church, the place where the ETS is going to be held. It was my first time too sit under the teaching of "Rev.Alvin Toh" (this is the name displayed on the stage :p), otherwise they just call "Pastor Alvin"..hehe...
Jace and myself are helping with some registration on that day.
The teaching was super awesome! And the people were really attentive and responsive. They shouted a really loud "Amen!!" everytime!! so encouraged! Even some younger ones were participating too! And when it's time to pray....Wow!! this is really a praying church! They were just crying out to God, both young and old are fervent and I could feel God's presence just filled the whole room!
During our time there, we were hosted by the pastor & his family & friends...and we had a super yummy Korean meals...thank You, Lord! :)

Few days after, we went to help with the Relief Medical Mission that was held at Family of Believers Christian Church. There were rice/food packs, medicines, used clothes, and medical treatments for 100 families who live in the slump area. There were so many children with them! Myself and Jace had fun giving away packets of sweets to the children...they were so excited and happy! I love that looks on their faces :)
I was very blessed by the church volunteers who were helping with so much joy in their heart and faces. There were so much unity in that place, and for that moment, I feel that we are a church...our differences disappeared and we were just serving as one body of Christ! Seeing the people blessed, also really blessed my heart...indeed, there is so much joy in giving. And even though it's not much, but for these people, it really means a lot to have people who would care and pay attention to their needs.
It reminds me once again, that there is so much needs in the world...and in whatever scale, we can all play a part in being a part of the solution to those needs.
We are blessed, so that we can be a blessing..
Finally today, we went to visit a small youth group and we ministered to them through testimony, teaching, games, and our joy & laughter :D
We hope that the youth in this group will personally encounter God and experience genuine salvation. There is so much potential in the lives of these youth, and thank God for the opportunity for us to help out in this. :)
I thank God for His grace every single day here...He has protected us every time and He has also opening many doors for this ministry. I can really see the hand of God upon the lovely couple and this ministry...and it's been a great blessing and privilege for me to witness and take part in the wonderful move of God. I'm really loving the mission field! I love seeing God moves and the heart of God has never been clearer...He loves people!and His heart is reaching out to the lost, poor, broken, lonely...and the most loving thing that we can do is just sometimes meeting their practical needs, and also to share the good news to the people.
I hope that we can all join the vision and be a partner in this wonderful ministry... :)
This ministry draws a beautiful picture of what it means to share the Love of Christ and Share His Gospel.
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