I have always been praying that He will show me a deeper revelation of His love, for me and for others. And I find myself that there's a deeper place each time in His love.
The love of God...love that I could never be able to comprehend and fully understand. It's the love that cost Him His own Son, a price that we could never ever be able to return.
In my own journey of discovering God's love for myself, He does something amazing...He begin to show me His heart, and the love that He feels for others. It's as if I'm wearing a pair of new glasses and begin to see everything in a different light. His light...
I know it's not mine, not me at all... it's just Him, when He simply opens my heart and eyes. I see everything through a whole new pair of eyes.
It cause both grieve and joy...the grieve of seeing needs, hurting & broken hearts, but the joy of knowing God's heart for every one...that is Love.
And this Love, is not selfish, not demanding, not about me....it's the Love that takes away the attention on our self, it's the Love that gives, hopes, perseveres, kind, and gentle..always seeks to put others and seek for the best of others. This Love transcends all barriers, cultures and status. Love that cause us to give a piece of ourselves..just as how Christ gave all of Himself.
I can't get enough of this Love! I believe in this Love!
So I'll choose this Love, and may this Love overflows out my life.... I feel this will please and bless His heart :)
To my brothers & sisters (you know who you are!!) whom have shown the very same Love to someone in need, may the Lord fills you with more of His presence, that you may come to experience the depth of the love of Christ as it keeps overflowing more and more through your lives. I thank you for your heart, it encourages me deeply, and really see God in your words and deeds.
It's a privilege to have known you in this house of God :) I'm blessed by your heart :)
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