There is no fear in love, for perfect love cast out all fears...
Repeating again and again...all fears, must go in the presence of the perfect love of God. This truth has transformed me, and continue to transform me..
In different season of life that the Lord has lead me to...it never cease to amaze me how the truth of His words will encounter you so powerfully, and it's never the same every time. And I never grow tired in expecting how the truth sets me free everytime.
I've come to realize that it's the will of God for our lives, the life that He wants to give us, the abundance He desires to bless us with...through a series of encounters with the truth of His words, will take us from freedom to freedom.
It's purely the work of His Spirit within us, the bible said that it's working powerfully in us! How exciting is that?!!!
If there are things that I hate...I hate FEAR...BIG TIME!!!I hate what the enemy always try to steal, kill and destroy...I hate to see people of God tormented, oppressed, losing the fight of which they could have triumph in, I hate how fear is crippling people and stop them reaching the destiny that God has for them.
The truth that we are already VICTORIOUS, and we have the authority through Christ in us...the truth that we are sons and daughters of the Most High...the truth that He has given us everything that we need in order to triumph in every challenges...the truth that Jesus really has paid it all and it is now FINISHED...
The perfect love of God, that keeps us, strengthens us, empower us, and drives out every fears in our lives.
May He searches our hearts through and through...there should not be any fear there except the fear of God.
I pray that you'll be filled with His love until there's no more room for fear.