Monday, June 29, 2009


Today afternoon had a good time cleaning the, must be God! cleaning the house gives me joy :) hehe, used to be something I never like doing.
It's time for me to clean and tidy up my life, inside and outside.
I could really feel God was smiling at me when I rub those dirty floor, wiped the kitchen bench, the bathroom mirror, vacuuming the house..haha... seriously! You guys should try it!!! ;p

Anyway, back to what I want to say..
I had an uninterrupted time reading a Christian counselling book about
conflicts in relationship.
(Do you have this?)
Well, I do have it from time to time, and I want to understand how can we even get involved/creates conflict ourselves, sometimes intentionally, sometimes unintentionally.
I guess my point here is I want to know why, so I can get a better understanding of how to solve one...the world will be a better place without them.

Just small things that I took out of the book for us to ponder and reflect, ask God to change us and begin to recognise, that sometimes, when conflicts are unavoidable...we can first and foremost change our attitude and get it right!
When we are at peace with God, then we can get it time of reflection and Holy Spirit searching our heart is crucial.

See if you recognise some of these...

Difficult behaviours :

1.Abrasive Personalities
arrogant, frequently cynical, insensitive, intimidating, inclined to explode in anger when they don't get their way.

find fault with everything,very verbal but never do anything about their complaints because
feel powerless or lack of courage to take responsibility.

3.Silent-unresponsive Individuals
difficult because they say very little,rarely reveal what they think or do behind the scenes,not able to follow through their promises.

4.Negative Personalities
pessimistic attitude,criticize, refuse to cooperate or try.

5.The Know-it-all Experts
pompous, condescending,verbose,unwilling to cooperate

6.Indecisive people
never act/make decisions until they can be absolutely sure, as a result almost never take
action, also a control freak,difficult to handle, "high maintenance relationship"

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